Daffy · Dogs

A Letter to Daffy

A letter to Daffy,

Today was a tough day.

Lots of happiness for Grandmama’s upcoming wedding, seeing Uncle Alexander for the first time since he came home for Mama and Papa’s wedding 4 years ago, and celebrating Uncle James’ birthday a day early. But a year ago today, we were saying good bye to you, our sweet girl and we miss you terribly.

It’s been a really busy summer, since your sister Maisie came home. She does so much that reminds me of you. You would be proud of your sister Belle, she has been so patient with the little one and is always watching out for her. I wish you were around to meet her, I think you would have been equal parts annoyed, but also so good because you had had Sweet Pea as your example when you were growing up.

I have been thinking about you a lot today and looking at your pictures and videos that I am so blessed to have a lot of, and I thought I would share with you some of the ones that stuck out to me today.

I learned about you when you were a week old, you were the best surprise present!  I have pictures of you from about 4 weeks on, it was so awesome to visit you with your two brothers and your fur mama while you were growing up.

You met Grandmama frequently too and it was love at first sight. This picture always makes me smile because we caught you just after you snuck your first lick in at Grandmama’s face!


August 30th, 2005, I brought you home. It was Grandmama’s birthday! You loved your Aunties Max and Sweet Pea immediately, although you were always very very respectful of Max and offered her the belly immediately, you knew she was the top dog! Sweet Pea was your baby sitter, and you two had the best of times! Your sisters are like that now! Poor Belle has had her fair share of battle wounds from wee little puppy teeth, but she doesn’t complain and she goes back for more! She is starting to be a little more firm with little miss Maisie now though!

You were about the size of your sock buddy and you fell asleep on the exam table at your checkup.

We lived in quite a few places over the years, from on our own in our first apartment in Hamilton, to Sault Ste. Marie with 8 hr road trips to vacations at Grandmama’s, with Grandmama on a couple of occasions, on our own in our condo in Burlington and at last, in our home with Papa in Hamilton and Binbrook at the very end.

You went everywhere you could with me. You went to horse shows and to the barn, you were on top of a horse a few times. You were in the mall once when we were volunteering with St. John Ambulance and you even went to a little conference. You went to a few Spack Craft shows as well! You were always up for a road trip, it didn’t matter where.

You were the first quality control schnauzer, from Mama’s first knitting attempts to project after project.. you were always willing to pose with yarn. You saw a pattern through from start to completion, and I think you really liked it when Mama had to get down on the floor to cut fleece.

The chapter of our lives that is the freshest is when your Papa came into our life. We lived with Grandmama while our house was being built and not too long after we moved into our home, we brought your sister Belle home. While you weren’t always too sure if you wanted to snuggle, you loved your sister. You will be pleased to know, your new sister Maisie likes to pull a few of the tricks on Belle that she used to pull on you, including the donut hustle!

Your newest sister also likes to sleep like a little frog like you did and your Auntie Gracie is teaching her the ways of being long.

It’s getting late, so I should probably finish packing to get ready for Grandmama’s wedding, I know you will be snooping- I mean supervising!


Missing you so much, but I am so thankful for all of the years we had together.

Love you always,

Your Mama

2 thoughts on “A Letter to Daffy

  1. How very moving Lisa, Daffy couldn’t have had a better life, being loved and cared for with a wonderful person like you and your family. You were both blessed. ❤


  2. Aww😭
    Lovely letter.
    I don’t want to go with the typical “sorry for your loss” but well…sorry for your loss.
    Daffy seems like a sweetheart.


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